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My name is Anna and I am inviting you to join me on a journey of experiencing ancient wisdom of Pranayama Sadhana practices and Yantra exploration that will absolutely transform your life and perception of reality. My personal  Pranayama practice had enormous positive impact on my mental and physical health, it is a great way to boost your energy and motivation.

Pranayama - techniques of life force control that calm the heart and breath and remove sensory distractions from the mind.


I teach how through vehicle of breath one can enhance prana intake and its quality. The moment we are born - prana enters through our Manipura Chakra - which is considered to be an umbilical cord of each human being to the Universe. After this moment, to some extent (because karmic duties will still dictate large part of our path), it is our personal responsibility to manage our relationship with prana.

Most people go through life full of challenges, ups and downs...all of this creates energetic blocks in our bodies. Where these is a block - prana cannot flow easily and as a result you have a potential health issue (mental or physical). Pranayama can help you remove these blocks so prana can fill these previously stagnant spaces and heal them.


I teach Pranayama techniques that help one remove these blocks so prana can flow more freely throughout..and YOU, as a marvellous unique divine being, can manifest in this life FULLY, on all levels. More prana - more life, more energy, more health, more freedom in all areas of life. Regular Pranayama Sadhana (practice) can help reduce depression, anxiety, obsessive disorders, heal physical and psychological traumas from this and past lives, balance your left and right brain, charge you with energy, improve your creativity, cleanse you from negativity (both external and internal), help you heal your mind and body.


I would like to highlight that I am Pranayama Teacher (not therapist), so based on your current needs - I will create a personalised set of Pranayama practices aimed to help you, then I will teach you directly these practices, but you will need to do them regularly yourself - personal Sadhana will support the results. You can also join my online group classes once they are available (keep an eye on the announcement). Typically you will need 4 to 5 weekly 1:1 sessions with me to get you going with your practice, after that we can meet 1:1 when and if need arrises or in case you need to adjust or deepen your practice. 

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During Yantra 1:1 Zoom online consultation I will be able to dive deeply into your personal Birth Path. We will explore your personal life mission, your strengths, weaknesses, what professions might suit you, which areas of your health might be sensitive throughout your life. I will also share with you which Minor of your life you are going through now (besides Birth path, at different age, we also have extra missions in our life that either complement our Birth path or might contradict it - therefore this is what we call "challenging period' of life or "fruitful').
You will be able to learn what your key Chakra throughout your life is, which Planet influnces you the most throughout your life. I can also help you choose best year and month to launch your business, expand your venture and which period you should avoid. Please note that business consultations will need to be arranged as separate full 1 hour sessions.
Please remember: Yantra is not Astrology or Numerology. Yantra is an ancient matrix where we look at the journey of your Soul rather than body-bound ego manifestation in current life. In my Yantra calculations I use ancient Indian knowledge about psychic planetary influences on us.
After Yantra consultation with me you will be able to have more solid answers to 3 fundamental existential questions:
* I now understand my life because I know who I am 
* I manage my life better now because I know how
* My life has clearer meaning and purpose
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"Pranayama removes & destroys shroud covering inner light and inherent divinity of humans" - Patanjali 

Откройте для себя практику Анны

Наша миссия

В Pranayama Yoga and Yantra мы стремимся к достижению благополучия, психического здоровья и духовного исследования посредством преобразующих практик Пранаямы и Янтры. Наша платформа предлагает подробные описания техник Пранаямы, понимание жизненной миссии Янтры и вдохновляющие духовные цитаты. Мы предлагаем персонализированные сеансы Пранаямы 1:1 онлайн, бодрящие групповые занятия Пранаямой и углубленные расчеты и анализ Янтры, которые помогут вам в вашем духовном путешествии.

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